AUDIO only: Organoids and a large portion of Chips! -Episode 1.

AUDIO only: Organoids and a large portion of Chips! -Episode 1.

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Jump to these highlights:

  • 2mins: back ground of hosts and why and how did you get into organoid and organ-on-a-chip research?
  • 9min30s: What are organoids and organ-on-a-chips, why and how are they being used and analysed in research?
  • 18min15s: What is driving organoid and organ-on-a-chip research?
  • 25mins: How trustworthy is the data?
  • 30mins20s: What research has stood out the last few months?
  • 35mins45s:  Consequences of 'Hype in research/media' how should you manage them?
  • 42mins15s: Media reporting and interpretation of quotes and context!
  • 44min15s: Funding- drops and returns and media impact.
  • 50mins40s: Recap of organoids and work that has to be done, hot topics for next podcast; standardisation, ethics, usage, multi-disciplinary research and sharing of information- that's just to begin with!
  • 52mins58s: Where to meet our hosts this month-come day hello!

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