Grant and or donation winners agree for their project and information to be used in marketing purposes by Caterpillar Hill Limited and its ventures. All applicants data is stored in our private company information folder within our secure Microsoft account or other. Closing date for the £10,000.00 competition is 31st October 2024. The lead applicant as a minimum must have completed or be undertaking a PhD. Any commercial partner interests/affiliations must be declared. Judges decisions are final and information is submitted in the knowledge it is shared with the judging panel.

Process and timelines. 

  1. Email submit here an outline proposal below by 17:00 GMT 31st October 2024.
  2. Outline proposals are reviewed by the WORLD ORGANOID RESEARCH DAY+ 2025 panel.
  3. Successful outline applicants are invited to submit a full application by 31st December 2024.
  4. Full applications are evaluated by the WORLD ORGANOID RESEARCH DAY panel with the sole winner of the £10,000.00 grant invited to and formally announced at WORD+2025.

Outline process assessment criteria. 

The outline application must:

  1. Clearly describe in 500 words or less the main goals of the research, the challenges the research addresses and its potential outcomes in its application/use/adoption or creation of organoid or organoid on a chip technologies.
  2. Demonstrate where the £10,000.00 donation will be employed in the research and the timeline for the research to reach its outcomes.
  3. The outline application will be assessed on its quality of science, challenges it addresses, expertise and experience of the team and value for money.