
Post doctoral researcher , Rcsi
  • Ireland
Narkhyun Bae

Scientist, Daewoong


Associate Professor Soft Tissue Engineering and Medicine, Utrecht University

Magdalena Lorenowicz

Head of Advanced In vitro Model Systems department, Biomedical Primate Research Center

Subhadeep Roy

Assistant Professor, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Kolkata, India


Postdoctoral researcher , University Basel


Innovation manager, Carl ZEISS

Le Bert

French 3Rs officer- 3Rs Project engineering - Open Science, French Centre 3R (GIS FC3R)

Nazneen Aslam

Research assistant, Cell therapy center

Annkathrin Koch

Scientist, TRON gGmbH


Simmonds, Imperial College London

Ronan Mellin

Senior Scientist, ScreenIn3D Ltd

David Ma

Research Fellow, Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction

Hugo Ombredane

PhD researcher, Imperial College London

Fatemeh Kermani

Research Associate, Imperial College London

YANG Yiling

Postdoc, imec

Olivier Henry

Program director, Imec

Johanna Bolander

Assistant professor, IMEC - Charite

Irina Ivanova

Consultant device testing , Team-consulting


Project Manager, Team Consulting Ltd

Meritxell B. Cutrona

Head of Patient-derived Organoids, Gustave Roussy Institute